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Switching OutSequence in WSO2 ESB Proxy Service based oh SOAP response

I deployed a proxy service in WSO2 ESB for dataset retrieving from a SOAP WS, and i have an OutSequence based on a sequence calling a template.

I have to channel various WS response based on the different request routing them on different files written by the vfs transport.

Actual sequence is the following:

<sequence xmlns="" name="seq_prova_con_template">
   <call-template target="file">
      <with-param name="filename" value="IstatAllDataflow-template.xml"></with-param>

I think about a switch-case mediator but i'd like to understand how "catch" the information for choosing the right case. In the example:

`<switch source="//m0:getQuote/m0:request/m0:symbol"     xmlns:m0="http://services.samples/xsd">
      <case regex="IBM">
           <!-- the property mediator sets a local property on the *current*     message -->
          <property name="symbol" value="Great stock - IBM"/>
      <case regex="MSFT">
          <property name="symbol" value="Are you sure? - MSFT"/>
          <!-- it is possible to assign the result of an XPath or JSON Path     expression as well -->
      <property name="symbol"
            expression="fn:concat('Normal Stock - ', //m0:getQuote/m0:request/m0:symbol)"


i ask myself how to set the source param of the switch case, and i'd like to know if someone has already implemented a solution like this in order to use a single proxy service for differentiate various answer from the WS. My sequence is the following:

<sequence xmlns="" name="seq_template_switch">
   <switch xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd" xmlns:m0="http://services.samples" source="??????">
      <case regex="QueryStructure">
         <call-template target="file">
            <with-param name="filename" value="IstatAllDataflow-template.xml"></with-param>
      <case regex="GetCompactData">
         <call-template target="file">
            <with-param name="filename" value="GetCompactData-template.xml"></with-param>

I need to catch the choice for the switch case from che method inside the request of my request message, in order to write a certain file when i ask for a kind of answer, and another file with a different name when i ask for another kind of answer.

[EDIT] Log file has this:

TID: [0] [ESB] [2015-09-18 10:33:09,125]  INFO {org.apache.synapse.mediators.builtin.LogMediator} -  To:, WSAction: , SOAPAction: , MessageID: urn:uuid:7cc540d3-2893-4b0e-8a24-ab4538236d45, Direction: response, Envelope: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><soap:Body><QueryStructureResponse xmlns=""><QueryStructureResult><RegistryInterface xmlns=""><Header><ID>IT1001</ID><Test>true</Test><Name xml:lang="en">ISTAT_JD_237</Name><Prepared>2001-03-11T15:30:47+01:00</Prepared><Sender id="ISTAT"><Name xml:lang="en">Italian Statistical Institute</Name><Contact>

It would be useful making the choice of switch/case mediator about the tag <QueryStructureResponse>. Instead of this tag i could have<GetCompactData> , for example. I'd like to create a switch/case mediator that is driven by the presence of one of this two tags. This would be a good beginning for understanding how to use XPath location and using a single sequence for differentiating SOAP answers in different file by vfs transport.The choice of the file to write in would be taken by the kind of answer from the WS.


  • Below should work for you. It is checking if QueryStructureResponse exists in SOAP xml or not. If available then it will call IstatAllDataflow-template.xml template otherwise it will invoke GetCompactData-template.xml template.

    <switch source="boolean($body//*[local-name() = 'QueryStructureResponse'])">
            <case regex="true">
               <call-template target="file">
            <with-param name="filename" value="IstatAllDataflow-template.xml"></with-param>
            <case regex="false">
               <call-template target="file">
            <with-param name="filename" value="GetCompactData-template.xml"></with-param>

    Another solution using filter in WSO2 esb.

    <filter source="boolean($body//*[local-name() = 'QueryStructureResponse'])" regex="true">
             <property name="======================== TRUE =========================" value="true"/>
          <call-template target="file">
             <with-param name="filename" value="IstatAllDataflow-template.xml"/>
             <property name="==================== FALSE =========================" value="false"/>
          <call-template target="file">
             <with-param name="filename" value="GetCompactData-template.xml"/>