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Error in WCF client consuming Axis 2 web service with WS-Security UsernameToken PasswordDigest authentication scheme

I have a WCF client connecting to a Java based Axis2 web service (outside my control). It is about to have WS-Security applied to it, and I need to fix the .NET client. However, I am struggling to provide the correct authentication. I am aware that WSE 3.0 might make it easier, but I would prefer not to revert to an obsolete technology.

Similar issues (unsolved), include this, this and this.

The SOAP message should look like this:

  <wsse:Username><!-- Removed--></wsse:Username> 
  <wsse:Password Type=""><!-- Removed--></wsse:Password> 
  <wsse:Nonce><!-- Removed--></wsse:Nonce> 

However, mine looks like this:

<h:Security xmlns:h="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""></h:Security>
<o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
<u:Timestamp u:Id="_0">
<o:UsernameToken u:Id="uuid-d329b3b2-6a1f-4882-aea6-ec6b8a492de7-1">
<!-- Removed-->
<!-- Removed-->

My client looks like this: P.S. Note the required SecurityHeaderType param. What is that?

public MyAck SendRequest(MyRequest request)
 RemoteServicePortTypeClient client = new RemoteServicePortTypeClient();

 client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "JAY";
 client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "AND";

    // what is the difference between the two different Credential types??
    //client.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.ClientCredential.UserName = "SILENT";
    //client.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.ClientCredential.Password = "BOB";

 SecurityHeaderType sht = new SecurityHeaderType();
 //sht.Any = ???; // How do I use this???
 //sht.AnyAttr = ???; // How do I use this ???

 // SecurityHeaderType is a required parameter
 return client.RemoteServiceOperation_Provider(sht, request);

Current binding is as follows:

    <binding name="CustomBinding">
        <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential">
            <transport clientCredentialType="None"></transport>
            <message clientCredentialType="UserName" />

I've also tried a custom binding and got a similar error:

  <binding name="myCustomBindingConfig">
    <security authenticationMode="UserNameOverTransport"
    <textMessageEncoding messageVersion="Soap11"></textMessageEncoding>
    <httpsTransport />

And endpoint (Address obviously changed...):

<endpoint address=""
      binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="CustomBinding"
      name="RemoteService_UAT" />

The custom fault that is being returned is as follows:

<ErrorDescription><![CDATA[Array index out of range: 0]]></ErrorDescription>

I've read lots about custom headers, tokens, bindings and my brain is completely confused. Can anyone suggest a step by step process for sending the message in the right format?

This appears to be the way forward for WCF, using custom tokens, but how should one apply the digest and nonce as required?

Any help welcomed.


I've had some limited success. I've used the Microsoft.Web.Services3 library to create a UsernameToken with the correct digest. I've then created my own custom behavior and in the BeforeSendRequest method I've done the following to inject the header:

object IClientMessageInspector.BeforeSendRequest(ref System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message request, System.ServiceModel.IClientChannel channel)
    UsernameToken ut = new UsernameToken("USERNAME", "PASSWORD", PasswordOption.SendHashed);

    XmlElement securityElement = ut.GetXml(new XmlDocument());

    MessageHeader myHeader = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("Security", "", securityElement, false);

    return Convert.DBNull;

I add the behavior like so:

CustomBehavior behavior = new CustomBehavior("USERNAME", "PASSWORD");

I can now see the headers going across:

<Security xmlns="">
<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="SecurityToken-c6aeb72d-4d36-4650-abd3-33cc66caac6d" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
<!-- Removed-->
<!-- Removed-->
<!-- Removed-->

But I'm getting the error:

<faultcode xmlns="">soapenv:Server</faultcode>
<faultstring xmlns="">WSDoAllReceiver: security processing failed; nested exception is: General security error (WSSecurityEngine: Callback supplied no password for: USERNAME)</faultstring>
<faultactor xmlns="">urn:Remote_Provider</faultactor>
<detail xmlns="">
<CUSTOMError xmlns="urn:customerror:v01">
<ErrorDescription><![CDATA[WSDoAllReceiver: security processing failed; nested exception is: General security error (WSSecurityEngine: Callback supplied no password for: USERNAME)]]></ErrorDescription>

There appears to be a missing Type attribute on the password node:


However, I'm not sure if the security tracing and logging settings are blanket removing the attributes and content of those nodes. I've attempted to use the logKnownPii setting in the diagnostics logging, but the security information remains obscured. Any ideas on that one?


  • I can confirm that the UPDATE from my question actually works:

    object IClientMessageInspector.BeforeSendRequest(ref System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message request, System.ServiceModel.IClientChannel channel)
        UsernameToken ut = new UsernameToken("USERNAME", "PASSWORD", PasswordOption.SendHashed);
        XmlElement securityElement = ut.GetXml(new XmlDocument());
        MessageHeader myHeader = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("Security", "", securityElement, false);
        return Convert.DBNull;

    And the client:

    CustomBehavior behavior = new CustomBehavior("USERNAME", "PASSWORD");

    The error message was unrelated. The security header works with a very simple basicHttpBinding:

      <binding name="BasicSOAPBinding">
          <security mode="Transport" />