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Swift iOS - OSC Library

Anyone knows a OSC Swift Library to integrate inside an iOS App?

I am experimenting with this however, I am finding hard to make it work with swift.

I have added in my project a bridge-header file, the project load but cannot convert code into swift.

I want to convert the objective-C code below into swift however I cannot find the property "messageWithAddressPattern" when I try the conversion:

- (IBAction)sendSliderMessage:(UISlider *)sender {
    F53OSCMessage *message = [F53OSCMessage messageWithAddressPattern:@"/slider" arguments:@[[NSNumber numberWithFloat:sender.value]]];
    [self.oscClient sendPacket:message toHost:SENDHOST onPort:SENDPORT];


  • I'm successfully using MetatoneOSC without any issue in a Swift app.

    Here's some working code for sending a message:

    let oscClient = F53OSCClient.init() = ""
    oscClient.port = 3000
    let message = F53OSCMessage(addressPattern: "/hello", arguments: [0, 1, 2])
    print("Sent '\(message)' to \(\(oscClient.port)")