Server: Ubuntu server 14 lts + PostgreSQL 9.2 I want create cluster database using drbd, but i can't set PGDATA without cluster initialization. I just need say pgsql use data from drbd disk. How i can do it?
Example 1:
mkdir /cluster/var/lib/pgsql -p
chown postgres:postgres /cluster/var/lib/pgsql -R
cp -R /var/lib/pgsql /cluster/var/lib/pgsql
edit /etc/init.d/postgresql :
/etc/init.d/postgresql start
in postgresql 8.3 it works, but in 9.2 i can't change pgdata in /etc/init.d/postgresql, i need find another file and set pgdata, but, surprise, it's do nothing.
Example 2: PGDATA - Specifies the directory where the database cluster is to be stored; can be overridden using the -D option.
Ok, let's start: --pgdata=directory yeah, it's works! but now we have postgresql-xc and error like "postgresql don't know this user - postgresql". drbd start replicate data from cluster, but postgresql start it too.
UPD 1:
root: initdb --pgdata=/home/username/dir
~initdb not install~bla-bla-bla~use apt-get install postgres-xc
$: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/initdb --pgdata=/whateveryouwant
#now you can run postgresql only one way:
$: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres -D /see_up
LOG: database system was shut down at 2014-09-26 15:56:33 YEKT
LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
LOG: autovacuum launcher started
#aaaaaaaaaaand...nothing. just empty console, ^C stopping postgres
#another SSH connect:
$: ps-ela
S 1000 5995 5217 0 80 0 - 62202 poll_s pts/0 00:00:00 postgres
1 S 1000 5997 5995 0 80 0 - 62202 poll_s ? 00:00:00 postgres
1 S 1000 5998 5995 0 80 0 - 62202 poll_s ? 00:00:00 postgres
1 S 1000 5999 5995 0 80 0 - 62202 poll_s ? 00:00:00 postgres
1 S 1000 6000 5995 0 80 0 - 62415 poll_s ? 00:00:00 postgres
1 S 1000 6001 5995 0 80 0 - 26121 poll_s ? 00:00:00 postgres
#is it ok? because...
$: /etc/init.d/postgresql status
9.3/main (port 5432): down
Place the below in your ~/.bashrc file.
export PATH
export PGDATA="$HOME/<FolderNameForPostgresDatabases>"
Replace 'PostgresVersionNumber' with your installed Postgres version number.
Replace 'FolderNameForPostgresDatabases' with the name of the folder you want your postgres databases to reside. Make sure the folder is created
From a terminal, you have to navigate to ~/FolderNameForPostgresDatabases,
then run:
Do that before trying to run:
pg_ctl start