While learning Racket and getting into programming in general I was defining ormap in two different ways:
(define (or-map proc lst)
[(null? lst) #false]
[(proc (car lst)) #true]
[else (or-map proc (cdr lst))]))
(define (or-map proc lst)
(if (null? lst)
(or (proc (car lst)) ; <-- this one
(or-map proc (cdr lst)))))
The following questions came to mind:
Is the second one tail-call optimized? I was not sure if the commented line gets thrown away (or the (or ...) stacks up it's arguments), because if it's #true the function call ends and if it's #false it should be irrelevant for further evaluation of the (or ...) statement.
So I ran the following test and looked at the task manager for memory usage:
(define (test)
(or #f
The memory stayed the same. So I think I can conclude (or ...*) gets tail-call optimized? I assumed that stays true for (and ...*) and other boolean operators, but as I changed the or in (test) to nor the memory filled up.
So all in all, do I
Given that your username is Tracer
, you may find it amusing that you can use racket/trace
to examine this. :)
First an example of functions you would expect to use tail elimination and not:
#lang racket
(define (tail-call xs [results '()])
(match xs
[(list) results]
[(cons x xs) (tail-call xs (cons x results))]))
(define (no-tail-call xs)
(match xs
[(list) (list)]
[(cons x xs) (cons x (no-tail-call xs))]))
We can trace
them and see this reflected in the call depth:
(require racket/trace)
(trace tail-call no-tail-call)
(tail-call '(1 2 3 4 5))
;; >(tail-call '(1 2 3 4 5))
;; >(tail-call '(2 3 4 5) '(1))
;; >(tail-call '(3 4 5) '(2 1))
;; >(tail-call '(4 5) '(3 2 1))
;; >(tail-call '(5) '(4 3 2 1))
;; >(tail-call '() '(5 4 3 2 1))
;; <'(5 4 3 2 1)
;; '(5 4 3 2 1)
(no-tail-call '(1 2 3 4 5))
;; >(no-tail-call '(1 2 3 4 5))
;; > (no-tail-call '(2 3 4 5))
;; > >(no-tail-call '(3 4 5))
;; > > (no-tail-call '(4 5))
;; > > >(no-tail-call '(5))
;; > > > (no-tail-call '())
;; < < < '()
;; < < <'(5)
;; < < '(4 5)
;; < <'(3 4 5)
;; < '(2 3 4 5)
;; <'(1 2 3 4 5)
;; '(1 2 3 4 5)
Next let's do that for your two definitions of or-map
. We see the same, flat shape for both:
(define (or-map/v1 proc lst)
[(null? lst) #false]
[(proc (car lst)) #true]
[else (or-map/v1 proc (cdr lst))]))
(define (or-map/v2 proc lst)
(if (null? lst)
(or (proc (car lst)) ; <-- this one
(or-map/v2 proc (cdr lst)))))
(trace or-map/v1 or-map/v2)
(or-map/v1 even? '(1 1 1 2))
;; >(or-map/v1 #<procedure:even?> '(1 1 1 2))
;; >(or-map/v1 #<procedure:even?> '(1 1 2))
;; >(or-map/v1 #<procedure:even?> '(1 2))
;; >(or-map/v1 #<procedure:even?> '(2))
;; <#t
;; #t
(or-map/v2 even? '(1 1 1 2))
;; >(or-map/v2 #<procedure:even?> '(1 1 1 2))
;; >(or-map/v2 #<procedure:even?> '(1 1 2))
;; >(or-map/v2 #<procedure:even?> '(1 2))
;; >(or-map/v2 #<procedure:even?> '(2))
;; <#t
;; #t