Can I define an ABAP method where the RETURNING
parameter and any IMPORTING
parameters have a generic type but that can still be called in a single line as a functional method?
In other words I'd like to replace this:
input = lv_external_value
output = lv_internal_value.
lv_internal_value= zcl_conversion=>alpha_input( lv_external_value ).
Unfortunately the fact that Class Methods can't have an untyped returning parameter is preventing me from declaring the functional method's return value as type ANY
. The accepted standard of creating generic method parameters seems to be to define them as TYPE REF TO DATA
and dereference/assign them. But as far as I know that prevents me from calling the method in a single statement as I have to first assign the importing parameter and then dereference the returning parameter, resulting in the same or more lines of code than a simple FM call.
Is there a way around this?
Unfortunately, there is no other way to dereference data than to use the dereference operator, either in the form ->*
for the full value segment, or in the form ->comp
, if the data object is structured and has a component named comp
(and, even worse, there are a lot of places in ABAP code where you would like to use a value from a derefenced data object but can't do it for internal reasons / syntax restrictions).
However, you could simply keep the data reference object retrieved by your method in a variable of the calling code and work with that variable (instead of using a field symbol or a variable for the derefenced value segment itself). Either generically, as a ref to data
variable, or typed, using the CAST
operator (new ABAP syntax).
Most things that can be done with a field-symbol, can also be done directly with a data reference as well.
Example: Working with a variable result
of the expected return type:
data(result) = cast t000( cl=>m( ) ).
write result->mandt.
See here the full example:
report zz_new_syntax.
class cl definition.
public section.
class-methods m returning value(s) type ref to data.
data(result) = cast t000( cl=>m( ) ).
write: / result->mandt. " Writes '123'.
class cl implementation.
method m.
s = new t000( mandt = '123' ).