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Ruby on Rails - passing locals to partial inside each loop (With Haml)

i have an object array. i'm trying to loop through it and output results to a table. i want one of my table columns to be a rendered partial (form). but no matter in what row i submit it always sends me the locals of the last row output.

Is this normal behavior of rails or am i doing something wrong?

my view is :

    %th User id
    %th User email
    %th Account name
    %th Intercom Conversation
  - @users.each do |user|
      %td= user.user_id
      %td= user.user_email
      %td= user.account_name
        - if user.intercom_conversation
          %h4= user.intercom_conversation
        = link_to('edit', '#', {class: 'edit'})
          = render(partial: 'conversation_form', locals: {user_id: user.user_id, fault_id: @fault.fault_id})

my rendered partial is :

= form_tag('update_conversation', method: 'get')
= hidden_field_tag(:fault_id, fault_id)
= hidden_field_tag(:user_id, user_id)
= radio_button_tag(:conversation, 0)
= radio_button_tag(:conversation, 1)
= radio_button_tag(:conversation, 2)
= submit_tag('Change')

i guess i should say all rendering (in browser are correct and no error is raised)

thanks in advance .


  • You're outputting a series of empty forms without closing tags. You need to pass a block to form_tag and indent the contents for it to automatically add the needed </form> tags.

    = form_tag('update_conversation', method: 'get') do
      = hidden_field_tag(:fault_id, fault_id)
      = hidden_field_tag(:user_id, user_id)
      = radio_button_tag(:conversation, 0)
      = radio_button_tag(:conversation, 1)
      = radio_button_tag(:conversation, 2)
      = submit_tag('Change')