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How check vxml has error?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<!-- DOCTYPE vxml SYSTEM "" -->
<vxml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" version="2.0">

  <form id="dtmfForm">
      <property name="inputmodes" value="dtmf"/>
      <field name="dtmf">
        <audio src="http://localhost/File/voicefiles/T/menu/playCatDefinition.wav"/>

    <prompt>press 1</prompt>
        <audio src="http://localhost/File/voicefiles/T/cats/Love.wav"/>

    <prompt>press 2</prompt>
        <audio src="http://localhost/File/voicefiles/T/cats/Thinking of you.wav"/>

    <prompt>press 3</prompt>
        <audio src="http://localhost/File/voicefiles/T/cats/Oba Nathi Da.wav"/>

    <prompt>press 4</prompt>
        <audio src="http://localhost/File/voicefiles/T/cats/Adareta Kiyana Katha.wav"/>

    <prompt>press 5</prompt>
        <audio src="http://localhost/File/voicefiles/T/cats/Akamatththa.wav"/>

    <prompt>press 6</prompt>
        <audio src="http://localhost/File/voicefiles/T/cats/Sorry.wav"/>

    <prompt>press 7</prompt>
        <audio src="http://localhost/File/voicefiles/T/cats/Birthday.wav"/>

    <prompt>press 8</prompt>
        <audio src="http://localhost/File/voicefiles/T/cats/Annivesary.wav"/>

        go to next step press 0 

        <grammar mode="dtmf" root="digit">
          <rule id="digit" scope="public"> 

    <if cond="dtmf=='9'">
        <goto next="http://localhost/myApp/resteasy/service/msisdn/7777?greetingCatagory='dtmf'"/>
    <else />
        <goto next="http://localhost/myApp/resteasy/service/msisdn/7777?greeting='dtmf'"/>
        No Match! I'm sorry, I didn't understand you.  Could you please try that again? 
        <reprompt />
        No Input! I'm sorry, I didn't hear anything.  Could you please try that again? 
        <reprompt />

Consider this vxml any error in this how to check vxml have error. How to, I Solve it? what kind error include in this vxml some time go to <goto next={url}/> this step other code not working .what is the error in this code? how to mange time next step go to.. I am looking for suitable answer?



  • <goto> element can't be inside <field>, that is responsible for collecting information from the user. It should be moved to <filled> responsible for it's interpretation. Structure is the following:

         <goto ...

    Voxeo documentation - filled element