I use modified version of pyhs2 (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyhs2) with ability run async queries and additional methods from TCLIService.Client (GetLog, send_GetLog, recv_GetLog) in sources of Hue (https://github.com/cloudera/hue/blob/master/apps/beeswax/gen-py/TCLIService/TCLIService.py#L739)
But when I run TCLIService.Client.GetLog method, there is an error:
$ python example.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "example.py", line 85, in <module>
rq = client.GetLog(lq)
File "/Users/toly/hive_streaming/libs/pyhs4/TCLIService/TCLIService.py", line 757, in GetLog
return self.recv_GetLog()
File "/Users/toly/hive_streaming/libs/pyhs4/TCLIService/TCLIService.py", line 773, in recv_GetLog
raise x
thrift.Thrift.TApplicationException: Invalid method name: 'GetLog'
In script I use HiveServer2 from Cloudera VM. Same server, as I quess, used by Hue and it successfully works. In addition I try client_protocol in range from 0 to 7 for creating session.
import time
import sasl
from thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol import TBinaryProtocol
from thrift.transport.TSocket import TSocket
from thrift.transport.TTransport import TBufferedTransport
from libs.pyhs4.cloudera.thrift_sasl import TSaslClientTransport
from libs.pyhs4.TCLIService import TCLIService
from libs.pyhs4.TCLIService.ttypes import TOpenSessionReq, TGetTablesReq, TFetchResultsReq,\
TStatusCode, TGetResultSetMetadataReq, TGetColumnsReq, TType, TTypeId, \
TExecuteStatementReq, TGetOperationStatusReq, TFetchOrientation, TCloseOperationReq, \
TCloseSessionReq, TGetSchemasReq, TCancelOperationReq, TGetLogReq
auth = 'PLAIN'
username = 'apanin'
password = 'none'
host = 'cloudera'
port = 10000
test_hql1 = 'select count(*) from test_text'
def sasl_factory():
saslc = sasl.Client()
saslc.setAttr("username", username)
saslc.setAttr("password", password)
return saslc
def get_type(typeDesc):
for ttype in typeDesc.types:
if ttype.primitiveEntry is not None:
return TTypeId._VALUES_TO_NAMES[ttype.primitiveEntry.type]
elif ttype.mapEntry is not None:
return ttype.mapEntry
elif ttype.unionEntry is not None:
return ttype.unionEntry
elif ttype.arrayEntry is not None:
return ttype.arrayEntry
elif ttype.structEntry is not None:
return ttype.structEntry
elif ttype.userDefinedTypeEntry is not None:
return ttype.userDefinedTypeEntry
def get_value(colValue):
if colValue.boolVal is not None:
return colValue.boolVal.value
elif colValue.byteVal is not None:
return colValue.byteVal.value
elif colValue.i16Val is not None:
return colValue.i16Val.value
elif colValue.i32Val is not None:
return colValue.i32Val.value
elif colValue.i64Val is not None:
return colValue.i64Val.value
elif colValue.doubleVal is not None:
return colValue.doubleVal.value
elif colValue.stringVal is not None:
return colValue.stringVal.value
sock = TSocket(host, port)
transport = TSaslClientTransport(sasl_factory, "PLAIN", sock)
client = TCLIService.Client(TBinaryProtocol(transport))
res = client.OpenSession(TOpenSessionReq(username=username, password=password))
session = res.sessionHandle
query1 = TExecuteStatementReq(session, statement=test_hql1, confOverlay={}, runAsync=True)
response1 = client.ExecuteStatement(query1)
opHandle1 = response1.operationHandle
while True:
q1 = TGetOperationStatusReq(operationHandle=opHandle1)
res1 = client.GetOperationStatus(q1)
lq = TGetLogReq(opHandle1)
rq = client.GetLog(lq)
if res1.operationState == 2:
req = TCloseOperationReq(operationHandle=opHandle1)
req = TCloseSessionReq(sessionHandle=session)
How realtime capture logs of hive query from HiveServer2?
UPD Hive version - 1.2.1
For getting logs of operation used method FetchResults
with param fetchType=1
- returning logs.
Example usage:
query1 = TExecuteStatementReq(session, statement=test_hql1, confOverlay={}, runAsync=True)
response1 = client.ExecuteStatement(query1)
opHandle1 = response1.operationHandle
while True:
q1 = TGetOperationStatusReq(operationHandle=opHandle1)
res1 = client.GetOperationStatus(q1)
request_logs = TFetchResultsReq(operationHandle=opHandle1, orientation=0, maxRows=10, fetchType=1)
response_logs = client.FetchResults(request_logs)
print response_logs.results
if res1.operationState == 2: