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Reload Content Editor after selecting language using language switcher

I'm trying to reload content editor content based on selected language as I need to filter items before user can see them. Right now I am able to filter items by inheriting from BucketDataView and overriding GetChildItems method.

Is there a way to refresh content after selecting new language but after filter is called?

If my approach is wrong, what else can I use?




  • Working solution

    Create a new command

    public class SelectLanguage : Languages
        public override string GetClick(Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.CommandContext context, string click)
            Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.SendMessage(this, string.Format("item:refreshchildren(id={0})", Sitecore.ItemIDs.ContentRoot));
            return base.GetClick(context, click);

    Update \Website\App_Config\Commands.config

    Set <command name="ribbon:languages" type="[Namespace]SelectLanguage ,[assembly]"/>

    In this case I am able to update content tree after selecting new language in language switcher.
