I am getting number of unread message in inbox by the following code .
public int getMessageCountUnread(){
resolver = getContentResolver() ;
Cursor c = resolver.query(SMS_INBOX, null, "read = 0", null, null);
int unreadMessagesCount = c.getCount();
return unreadMessagesCount;
Now I want to know the number of unread sms from a particular number. How can I know the number of unread SMS from a particular number?
How can I set the query ?
WHAT to do if I want to know no of read messages from a particular number ?
Use columns from android.provider.Telephony.TextBasedSmsColumns
in your ContentResolver query to find SMS messages that are from a specific address and not read:
Use these column contants:
Something like this:
ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();
Cursor cursor = resolver.query(Telephony.Sms.CONTENT_URI,
Telephony.TextBasedSmsColumns.READ + " = ? and "
+ Telephony.TextBaseSmsColumns.ADDRESS + "= ?" ,
new String[]{"false", "+1 123 123 1234"},
int unreadCount = cursor.getCount();
And to know no of read messages from a particular number, just a minor change:
Cursor cursor = resolver.query(Telephony.Sms.CONTENT_URI,
Telephony.TextBasedSmsColumns.READ + " = ? and "
+ Telephony.TextBaseSmsColumns.ADDRESS + "= ?" ,
new String[]{"true", "+1 123 123 1234"},
If above code doesn't work, use this:
String address = 0123456789;
Cursor unreadcountcursor = getContentResolver().query(Uri.parse("content://sms/inbox"),
new String[]{}, "read = 0 and address='"+address+"'", null, null);
int count = unreadcountcursor.getCount();