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Creating custom Cordova plugin for NfcV Tags

I need to read the Data off NfcV (ISO 15693) Tags, I already tried the Phonegap-Nfc Plugin from Chariotsolution, but it seems this plugin can only read the TagId and Type off NfcV tags, so i decided i could create my own custom plugin, I first foud the echo Hello World Plugin tutorial which worked fine and without problems, so I looked for Java NfcV reader and found this Java NfcV Reader.

From what I understood so far is, that I need to call the cordova.exec function and extend my Java class from CordovaPlugin, which is working.

I don't know Java since I am a Webdeveloper, which makes it a little hard for me.

This actually looks pretty good but i tried to implement it in the way of the Hello World echo example which didnt work out as planned.

I have now a plugin folder with

    package org.apache.cordova.plugin;

    import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext;
    import org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin;
    import org.json.JSONArray;
    import org.json.JSONException;

     * This class echoes a string called from JavaScript.
    public class Hello extends CordovaPlugin
        public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
            if (action.equals("hello")) {
                String message = args.getString(0);
                this.hello(message, callbackContext);
                return true;
            return false;

        private void hello(String message, CallbackContext callbackContext) {
            if (message != null && message.length() > 0) {
            } else {
                callbackContext.error("Expected one non-empty string argument.");
    } from the link above

    package org.apache.cordova.plugin;

    import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext;
    import org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin;
    import org.json.JSONArray;
    import org.json.JSONException;
    import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    import java.util.HashMap;

    import org.apache.http.util.ByteArrayBuffer;

    import android.nfc.Tag;
    import android.nfc.TagLostException;
    //import android.os.Parcelable;
    import android.util.Log;

        * @author uhahn
    public class ReadNfcV extends CordovaPlugin implements TagTechnology {
            protected NfcV mynfcv;
    //      protected Tag mytag; // can be retrieved through mynfcv
            private final String TAG=this.getClass().getName();
            protected final int maxtries=3;
            protected boolean isTainted=true; // Tag info already read?
            protected byte[] mysysinfo=null;        // NfcV SystemInformation - or generated
            protected byte[] myuserdata=null;       // buffer user content
            protected boolean[] blocktainted;       // true when block is to be uploaded to tag
            protected byte[] blocklocked;           // 0 means writable
            protected byte afi=0;
            public byte nBlocks=0;
            public byte blocksize=0;
            public byte[] Id;
            public byte[] UID; // becomes valid when a real tag is contacted
            public byte DSFID = -1;
            public int maxtrans=0; // tag dependent max transceive length
            public byte lastErrorFlags=-1; // re-set by each transceive
            public byte lastErrorCode=-1; // re-set by each transceive
            public byte manuByte=0;
            public static final byte BYTE_IDSTART=(byte)0xe0;
            public static final byte MANU_TAGSYS=0x04;
            public static final HashMap<Byte,String> manuMap = new HashMap<Byte, String>();
                    manuMap.put(MANU_TAGSYS, "TagSys");
             * read new NfcV Tag from NFC device
            public ReadNfcV(Tag t) {
                    UID = t.getId(); // sysinfo holds the UID in lsb order -  Id will be filled lateron from sysinfo!
    //              Log.d(TAG,"getId: "+toHex(t.getId()));
                    try {
                            // explore Nfcv properties..
                            //initfields(); // done by getSys..

                            Log.d(TAG,nBlocks + " x " + blocksize + " bytes");
                            blocklocked=new byte[nBlocks]; // init the lock shadow
                            getMultiSecStatus(0, nBlocks);  // and fill from tag
                            blocktainted=new boolean[nBlocks];
    //                      Log.d(TAG,"maxtrans "+maxtrans);
                            // init space for userdata ?
                            myuserdata= new byte[nBlocks*blocksize]; 
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                            Log.d(TAG, "MyNfcV failed: "+e.getMessage());
             * recreate NfcV Tag from log
             * @param sysinfo: the logged system info only
            public ReadNfcV(String sysinfo){
                    int startat=0;
                    sysinfo.toLowerCase(); // ignore case
                    if(sysinfo.startsWith("0x")){ // lets believe in HEX
                    // init space for userdata TODO limit size?
                    //myuserdata= new byte[nBlocks*blocksize]; 
    // TODO fake Tag?               mytag = Tag.CREATOR.createFromParcel(???);

             * recreate NfcV Tag from log
             * @param sysinfo: the logged system info
             * @param userdata: the logged userdata
            public ReadNfcV(String sysinfo, String userdata){
                    // TODO fake userdata
                    int startat=0;
                    userdata.toLowerCase(); // ignore case
                    if(userdata.startsWith("0x")){ // lets believe in HEX
             * parse system information byte array into attributes
             * with respect to the flags found
             * DSFID
             * AFI
             * memsize values (block count and length)
            private void initfields(){
                    byte[] read=mysysinfo;
                    if((null!=read)&&(12<read.length)&&(0==read[0])){// no error
                            char flags=(char)read[1]; //s.charAt(1);

                            //      String s=new String(read);
                            //s.substring(2, 9).compareTo(Id.toString())  // the same?
                            //set the Id from mysysinfo
                            int pos=2;
                            boolean forwardId=false; // the Id field is in lsb order
                            }else if(BYTE_IDSTART==read[pos+7]){
                                    Log.e(TAG,"Id start byte not found where expected");
                            if(null==Id){ // dont overwrite, if given
                                    Id=new byte[8];
                                    for(int i=0;i<8;i++) 
                                            // TODO decide if Id to be reversed (Zebra needs msb order, that is Id[7] changes between tags)
                                            Id[i]=(forwardId? read[pos+i] : read[pos + 7 - i]); //reverse?!
                                    Log.d(TAG,"Id from sysinfo (reversed): "+toHex(Id));
                            pos=10; // start after flags, Infoflags and Id TODO: change if transceive should eat up the error byte 
                            if(0<(flags&0x1)){ // DSFID valid
                                    pos++; // already implemented 
                            if(0<(flags&0x2)){ // AFI valid
                            if(0<(flags&0x4)){ // memsize valid
                                    blocksize=(byte)(read[pos++]+1); //((s.charAt(pos++)&0x1f)+1);
             * @return the stored afi byte
            public byte getAFI(){
                    if(isTainted){ // system info not read yet
                            getSystemInformation(); // fill in the fields
                    return afi;
            public byte getDsfId(){
    //              return mynfcv.getDsfId(); // avoid re-reading
                    return DSFID;
            public int getblocksize(){
                    return (int)blocksize;
            public int getnBlocks(){
                    return (int)nBlocks;
            public byte[] getSystemInformation(){
                    if(isTainted){ // dont reread 
                            isTainted=false; // remember: we have read it and found it valid
                            if(0==lastErrorFlags){// no error
                                    isTainted=false; // remember: we have read it and found it valid
                                    initfields(); // analyze 
                    return mysysinfo;
             * overload method transceive
             * @return resulting array (or error?)
            protected byte[] transceive(byte cmd){
                    return transceive(cmd, -1, -1, null);

            protected byte[] transceive(byte cmd, int m){
                    return transceive(cmd, m, -1, null);
            protected byte[] transceive(byte cmd, int m ,int n){
                    return transceive(cmd, m, n, null);
             * prepare and run the command according to NfcV specification
             * @param cmd command byte
             * @param m command length
             * @param n 
             * @param in input data
             * @return
            protected byte[] transceive(byte cmd,int m, int n, byte[] in){
                            byte[] command;
                            byte[] res="transceive failed message".getBytes();
                    ByteArrayBuffer bab = new ByteArrayBuffer(128);
                    // flags: bit x=adressed, 
                    bab.append(cmd); // cmd byte
                    // 8 byte UID - or unaddressed
            //      bab.append(mytag.getId(), 0, 8);
                    // block Nr
                    if(null!=in)bab.append(in, 0, in.length);
                    Log.d(TAG,"transceive cmd: "+toHex(command));
    //              Log.d(TAG,"transceive cmd length: "+command.length);
                    // TODO background!
                    try {
                            if(!mynfcv.isConnected()) return res;
                            for(int t=maxtries;t>0;t++){ // retry reading
                                    if(0==res[0]) break;
                    catch (TagLostException e){ //TODO roll back user action
                            Log.e(TAG, "Tag lost "+e.getMessage());
                            try {
                            } catch (IOException e1) {
                            return e.getMessage().getBytes();               
                    catch (IOException e) {
                            Log.d(TAG, "transceive IOEx: "+e.getMessage()+toHex(res));
            //              e.printStackTrace();
                            return e.getMessage().getBytes();
                            Log.d(TAG,"getResponseFlags: "+mynfcv.getResponseFlags()); 
                            Log.d(TAG,"Flagbyte: "+String.format("%2x", lastErrorFlags));
                                    Log.d(TAG,"ErrorCodebyte: "+String.format("%2x", lastErrorCode));

                            return (res);
    //                      return new String("response Flags not 0").getBytes();
                            return res;

            public void taintblock(int i, int n){
                    for(int j=0;j<n;j++)

            public void taintblock(int i){
            protected void setblocktaint(int i, boolean b){
            /* (non-Javadoc)
             * @see
            public Tag getTag() {
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                    //return mytag;
                    return mynfcv.getTag();
            /* (non-Javadoc)
             * @see
            public void close() throws IOException {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                            Log.d(TAG, "close failed: "+e.getMessage());

            /* (non-Javadoc)
             * @see
            public void connect() throws IOException {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                            lastErrorFlags=-1; // TODO discriminate error states
                            Log.d(TAG,"connect failed: "+e.getMessage());

            /* (non-Javadoc)
             * @see
            public boolean isConnected() {
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    //              mynfcv.getDsfId();
                    return mynfcv.isConnected(); // better?

            public byte[] readSingleBlock(int i){
                    byte[] read=transceive((byte)0x20,i);
                    setblocktaint(i,false); // remember we read this block
                    if(0!=lastErrorFlags)return read; // TODO not so ignorant..
                    byte[] res=new byte[read.length-1]; // drop the (0) flag byte TODO: in transceive?
                    for (int l = 0; l < read.length-1; l++) {
                            myuserdata[i*blocksize+l]=res[l]; // sort block into our buffer
                    return res;

             * @param i starting block number
             * @param j block count
             * @return block content concatenated 
            public byte[] readMultipleBlocks(int i,int j){
                            Log.e(TAG,"readMult w/o initfields?");
                            getSystemInformation(); // system info was not read yet

                    byte[] read = transceive((byte)0x23,i,j);
                    if(0!=read[0])return read; // error flag set: TODO  left as exercise..

                    byte[] res=new byte[read.length-1]; // drop the (0) flag byte
                    for (int l = 0; l < read.length-1; l++) {
                            myuserdata[i*blocksize+l]=res[l]; // sort block into our buffer
                    if(res.length<j*blocksize) return read; // da fehlt was
                    for (int k = i; k < j; k++) { // all blocks we read
                            setblocktaint(k, false); // untaint blocks we read
    // @TODO reverting block order should be done on demand - or under user control (done again in DDMData)
    //              reverse(res,k*blocksize,blocksize); // swap string positions
                    return res;
            public byte[] getMultiSecStatus(int i,int n){
                    byte[] read = transceive((byte)0x2c,i,n-1);
                    Log.d(TAG,"secstatus "+toHex(read));
                    if(0!=read[0])return read;
                    int startat=1; // TODO transceive will skip the error field soon
                    for(int j=0;j<nBlocks;j++)

                    return read;

             * move anywhere to utils
             * @param s
             * @return
        public static String toHex(byte[] in){
            String text=String.format("0x");
            for (byte  element : in) {
                            text=text.concat(String.format("%02x", element));
            return text;

            public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String s) {
                int len = s.length();
                byte[] data = new byte[len / 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
                    data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16) << 4)
                                         + Character.digit(s.charAt(i+1), 16));
                return data;

my hello.js file

        var hello = {
        world: function(str, callback) {
            cordova.exec(callback, function(err) {
                callback('Nothing to hello.');
            }, "Hello", "hello", [str]);

    var ReadNfcV = {
        read: function (str, callback) {
            cordova.exec(callback, function (err) {
                callback('Nothing to hello.');
            }, "Hello", "hello", [str]);

    module.exports = hello;
    module.exports = ReadNfcV;

and my plugin.xml

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <plugin xmlns=""

      <js-module src="hello.js" name="hello">
          <clobbers target="hello" />

      <!-- Android -->
      <platform name="android">
          <source-file src="" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/plugin" />
          <source-file src="" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/plugin" />

          <config-file target="res/xml/config.xml" parent="/*">
              <feature name="Hello" >
                  <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.plugin.Hello"/>

I was able to deploy the app so I can test a bit, My problem is that I dont really understand how i can call the ReadNfc class from the file from within my app via javascript. I just did the same as in the Tutorial but now the hello.World function is not a function anymore so i guess i did smth wrong in my hello.js file. I would really appreciate it if someone could help and explain me how i can call my java class via javascript and then return the result from the java class back to my javascript. I looked 2 Days for an already existing plugin but didnt find anything on that subject but the phonegap-nfc plugin.

Kind regards Christopher

Update Day1

I added tech.NfcV to the Import List


Changed the execute function as suggested

public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray data, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {

    Log.d(TAG, "execute " + action);

    if (!getNfcStatus().equals(STATUS_NFC_OK)) {
        return true; // short circuit


    if (action.equals(REGISTER_DEFAULT_TAG)) {
        addTechList(new String[]{NfcV.class.getName()});  //changed this form Mifare to NfcV

    } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(INIT)) {

    } else {
        // invalid action
        return false;

    return true;

Problem seems to be that I get Invalid action returned at the moment so something is wrong here

I changed the registerDefault function to

private void registerDefaultTag(CallbackContext callbackContext) {

And i changed the Parse Message function to

void parseMessage() {
    cordova.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            Log.d(TAG, "parseMessage " + getIntent());
            Intent intent = getIntent();
            String action = intent.getAction();
            Log.d(TAG, "action " + action);
            if (action == null) {
            if (action.equals(NfcAdapter.ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED) || action.equals(NfcAdapter.ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED)){

             Tag tagFromIntent  = (Tag)intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
             NfcV mfc = NfcV.get(tagFromIntent);


            /*if (action.equals(NfcAdapter.ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED)) {
                Ndef ndef = Ndef.get(tag);
                fireNdefEvent(NDEF_MIME, ndef, messages);

            } else if (action.equals(NfcAdapter.ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED)) {
                for (String tagTech : tag.getTechList()) {
                    Log.d(TAG, tagTech);
                    if (tagTech.equals(NdefFormatable.class.getName())) {
                    } else if (tagTech.equals(Ndef.class.getName())) { //
                        Ndef ndef = Ndef.get(tag);
                        fireNdefEvent(NDEF, ndef, messages);

            if (action.equals(NfcAdapter.ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED)) {

            setIntent(new Intent());

So currently i get the error invalid action as soon as i click on start Listening and calling the Taglisteners in Javascript atm I use all 4 different Listeners to see if any work. It seems that I need to write a new fireEvent function specific for NfcV since the existing ones arent working

Update 2

I have managed to compile the plugin and deploy the app but nothing is happening i am not getting a Tag object back

The parse Message Function

void parseMessage() {
    cordova.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            Log.d(TAG, "parseMessage " + getIntent());
            Intent intent = getIntent();
            String action = intent.getAction();
            Log.d(TAG, "action " + action);
            if (action == null) {
        if (action.equals(NfcAdapter.ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED) || action.equals(NfcAdapter.ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED)){
            Tag tag = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
                    if(tag != null){
                      byte[] id = tag.getId();
                      // set up read command buffer
                      byte blockNo = 0; // block address
                      byte[] readCmd = new byte[3 + id.length];
                      readCmd[0] = 0x20; // set "address" flag (only send command to this tag)
                      readCmd[1] = 0x20; // ISO 15693 Single Block Read command byte
                      System.arraycopy(id, 0, readCmd, 2, id.length); // copy ID
                      readCmd[2 + id.length] = blockNo; // 1 byte payload: block address

                      NfcV tech = NfcV.get(tag);
                      if (tech != null) {
                        // send read command
                        try {
                          byte[] data = tech.transceive(readCmd); 
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                        } finally {
                          try {
                          } catch (IOException e) {

            setIntent(new Intent());


My fireTagEvent

private void fireTagEvent(byte[] data) {

    String s2 = new String(data);
    String command = MessageFormat.format(javaScriptEventTemplate, TAG_DEFAULT, s2);
    Log.v(TAG, s2);


The execute function

public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray data, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {

    Log.d(TAG, "execute " + action);

    if (!getNfcStatus().equals(STATUS_NFC_OK)) {
        return true; // short circuit


    if (action.equals(REGISTER_DEFAULT_TAG)) {
        addTechList(new String[]{NfcV.class.getName()});

    } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(INIT)) {

    } else {
        // invalid action
        return false;

    return true;

Thats pretty much it the app starts the "addTagDiscoveredListener" is registered but im not getting any Object back so either the nfcv tag is not read or i just dont get anything back not really sure...


  • Okay so I finally managed to get it working

    In the Phonegap-nfc.js I added an eventlistener for the NFCV tag

    addNfcVListener: function (callback, win, fail) {
            document.addEventListener("nfcv", callback, false);
            cordova.exec(win, fail, "NfcPlugin", "registerNfcV", []);

    The matching Execute function looks like this

        public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray data, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
            Log.d(TAG, "execute " + action);
            if (!getNfcStatus().equals(STATUS_NFC_OK)) {
                return true; // short circuit
             if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(REGISTER_NFCV)) {
            }else {
                // invalid action
                return false;
            return true;

    Here is where the Tag gets added to the techlist

    private void registerNfcV(CallbackContext callbackContext) {
          addTechList(new String[]{NfcV.class.getName()});

    Here the Tag gets parsed and fires an event

    void parseMessage() {
            cordova.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    Log.d(TAG, "parseMessage " + getIntent());
                    Intent intent = getIntent();
                    String action = intent.getAction();
                    Log.d(TAG, "action " + action);
                    if (action == null) {
                    if (action.equals(NfcAdapter.ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED) || action.equals(NfcAdapter.ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED)){
                         NfcvData ma;
                         Tag tagFromIntent  = (Tag)intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
                         Parcelable[] messages = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra((NfcAdapter.EXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES));
                         NfcV mfc = NfcV.get(tagFromIntent);
                         Tag tag = mfc.getTag();
                         fireNfcVReadEvent(NFCV, mfc, messages);
                    setIntent(new Intent());

    Then this event is called

    private void fireNfcVReadEvent(String type, NfcV nfcv, Parcelable[] messages) {
            JSONObject jsonObject = buildNfcVReadJSON(nfcv, messages);
            String tag = jsonObject.toString();
            String command = MessageFormat.format(javaScriptEventTemplate, type, tag);
            Log.v(TAG, command);

    Which sends the Taginformation back to my Javascript