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ABR - Klocwork false alarms and incorrect bug disposal

Klocwork reports an error of:-

"ABR – Buffer overflow, array index of 'oidsp' may be out of bounds. Array 'oidsp' of size 64 may use index value(s) -2..-1."

For this line:-

if (check_index_lower_legality (len,-1))
oidsp[len-1] = specProb;

When check_index_lower_legality is:-

bool check_index_lower_legality (int index, int offset)
 * This function checks that the index with the offset isn't 
 * below zero. 
 * If it is - returns 0 ;
 * If isn't - returns 1 ;

if (  (index + offset )<0) {
   return 0;
 return 1 ; 

However no bug when check_index_lower_legality is:- (which is by the way an incorrect answer , as for the offset values of -2 or -1 there will be a real error on runtime.

bool check_index_lower_legality (int index, int offset)
 * This function checks that the index with the offset isn't 
 * below zero. 
 * If it is - returns 0 ;
 * If isn't - returns 1 ;
 if (index <=0) {
  return 0;
 return 1;

Any ideas?


  • I could be missing something, but your function (check_index_lower_legality) doesn't modify the 'len' variable, nor is the return from the function used to access your array, so your snippet as provided would appear to correctly generate a runtime buffer underflow (for values of len < 0). Could you perhaps expand on the example if you believe the report to be truly incorrect?

    Thanks, Gwyn.