I submitted my app to the app store, but they rejected it saying that the app crashed when they clicked the feedback button which is a button that opens up a MFMailComposeViewController. The problem I am having is I have run it on many devices between the simulator and actual devices, yet I have never had this problem. I will post my functions for the feedback button below which I have called and are all connected to the button (Like I said it works completely fine every time I have tested it), and my question is: Am i doing something wrong in the code to where only they get the crash?
func giveFeedback()
let email = ["[email protected]"]
var fvc = view?.window?.rootViewController
var cev = MFMailComposeViewController()
cev.mailComposeDelegate = self
fvc?.presentViewController(cev, animated: true, completion: nil)
func mailComposeController(controller: MFMailComposeViewController!, didFinishWithResult result: MFMailComposeResult, error: NSError!)
controller.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
Also, I have imported MessageUI
, and in the class I have my MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate
One thing is that you don't call canSendMail. I believe that if you try to show the MFMailComposeViewController when mails are disabled, your app would crash.
In your function you would use it for example like this:
func giveFeedback(contextViewController: UIViewController) {
if MFMailComposeViewController.canSendMail() {
let email = ["[email protected]"]
var cev = MFMailComposeViewController()
cev.mailComposeDelegate = self
contextViewController.presentViewController(cev, animated: true, completion: nil)
But it would be best to check the status earlier and display the button only if email is enabled on the device...