I'm trying to use echo in bash inside of quotes. When I try from a command line, it works fine.
For example: echo "I'm testing the apostrophe functionality."
yields I'm testing the apostrophe functionality.
Yet, when I write this in a script, it doesn't seem to work.
Here's a snippet of my code: (I'm trying to integrate ASCII art into my program)
if [ "$2" == "-s" ]
then echo " ___ __ _ _ "
echo " / _ \__ _ _ __ ___ ___ / _\ |_ __ _ _ __| |_ ___ _ __ "
echo " / /_\/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \_____\ \| __/ _` | '__| __/ _ \ '__|"
echo "/ /_\\ (_| | | | | | | __/_____|\ \ || (_| | | | || __/ | "
echo "\____/\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___| \__/\__\__,_|_| \__\___|_| "
echo ""
echo "Hello! My name is Siri."
echo "I'm not actually the Siri you're probably used to."
echo "I'm actually Apple's Siri's sister, the no-voice one."
echo "Sorry, but I'm in development right now."
echo "Come back later and maybe Eric will bring me out of beta."
echo "Thanks for reading this long debug message!"
I've checked and double-checked all my quotes...
Yet it still yields:
./game-starter.sh: line 7: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``'
./game-starter.sh: line 88: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Please help soon!
I don't think it's the apostrophes that are causing your issue; is it the ` character (you know, on the ~ key). It is used for running commands in place and other things, and is probably what's causing the issue, if I had to guess based on that error message.