In xcode 6, this code worked fine, but in Xcode 7GM, I am getting an error that states:
Downcast from ‘[UILocalNotification]? to ‘[UILocalNotification]’ only unwraps optionals; did you mean to use ‘!’?
The error occurs for the line where I have put two asterisks. In Xcode, there is also a little red triangle under the a
of the as!
func removeItem(item: TodoItem) {
**for notification in (UIApplication.sharedApplication().scheduledLocalNotifications as! [UILocalNotification]) { // loop through notifications...
if (notification.userInfo!["UUID"] as! String == item.UUID) { // ...and cancel the notification that corresponds to this TodoItem instance (matched by UUID)
UIApplication.sharedApplication().cancelLocalNotification(notification) // there should be a maximum of one match on UUID
In Xcode 6 scheduledLocalNotifications
is declared as [AnyObject]!
(downcast required).
In Xcode 7 scheduledLocalNotifications
is declared as [UILocalNotification]?
(has only to be unwrapped)
I recommend to use optional bindings
func removeItem(item: TodoItem) {
if let scheduledLocalNotifications = UIApplication.sharedApplication().scheduledLocalNotifications {
for notification in scheduledLocalNotifications { // loop through notifications...
if (notification.userInfo!["UUID"] as! String == item.UUID) { // ...and cancel the notification that corresponds to this TodoItem instance (matched by UUID)
UIApplication.sharedApplication().cancelLocalNotification(notification) // there should be a maximum of one match on UUID