So I'm running the SqlRestore utility created by AppHarbor, which can be found here:
The first step of the utility is to wipe out the data from the destination database, using these commands:
StringBuilder commandBuilder = new StringBuilder();
-- disable all constraints
EXEC sp_msforeachtable ""ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all""
-- delete data in all tables
EXEC sp_msforeachtable ""DELETE FROM ?""
-- enable all constraints
exec sp_msforeachtable ""ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT all""
When I run this (both via the program, and also manually via Management Studio), the delete statement is throwing an error saying invalid column name schoolid
At first, I had no idea which table was throwing the error, so I re-wrote the delete step to a cursor, shown here:
declare tableCursor cursor local forward_only for
select [name]
from sys.objects
where [type] = 'U'
declare @tableName varchar(50)
open tableCursor
fetch next from tableCursor into @tableName
while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin
print 'trying to delete from ' + @tableName
exec('delete from ' + @tableName)
print 'deleted from ' + @tableName
fetch next from tableCursor into @tableName
close tableCursor
deallocate tableCursor
Executing the script this way tells me that it was "trying to delete from table X", but when I look at the table definition of table X, that column DOES NOT EXIST (and never has)!
So next, I decide to just manually delete the table, then use VS Sql Server Schema comparison to re-generate the table to my destination database, since it was possibily corrupt somehow.
Once it's re-generated, I re-run that delete script, AND IT STILL THROWS THE ERROR!
Here's the table definition:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TourneyPoolMatchResult] (
[TourneyPoolMatchResultId] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
[TournamentTypeId] INT NOT NULL,
[WinningWrestlerId] INT NOT NULL,
[LosingWrestlerId] INT NOT NULL,
[Score] VARCHAR (20) NULL,
[BonusPoints] DECIMAL (2, 1) NOT NULL,
[AdvancementPoints] DECIMAL (2, 1) NOT NULL,
[PlacementPoints] INT NOT NULL,
[LosingWrestlerPlacementPoints] INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([TourneyPoolMatchResultId] ASC)
CREATE trigger [dbo].[trg_TourneyPoolMatchResult_Change]
on [dbo].[TourneyPoolMatchResult]
after insert, update, delete
exec [UpdateTeamPoints];
exec [UpdatePointsForSubmittal];
As you can see, nowhere in that table definition does it have anything about SchoolId.
What in the world is going on here?
You use the delete statement and you have some triggers on delete. Maybe your trigger function (e.g. UpdateTeamPoints or UpdatePointsForSubmittal) reference a column named schoolid? Please search your sql code, is there any schoolid anywhere?