I created a parseCmd method for my simpleShell program in C, and store each argument before a delimiter whitespace to be stored in my args[] array. However, I am trying to add arguments with their respective parameters into a linked list, but I am having trouble obtaining them.
For example, if I type ls
, I want:
args[0] = "ls";
And when I type ls -l
, I want;
args[0] = "ls";
args[1] = "-l";
What I am trying to do here is: if a "-" argument is detected, append it to the previous argument "ls" and save as a separate string "ls -l" to be stored into a linkedList (already implemented).
Here is my method.
void parseCmd(char* cmd, char** args)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_LINE; i++) {
args[i] = strsep(&cmd, " ");
if (args[i] != NULL)
printf("--> %s \n",args[i]);
if(args[i] == NULL) break;
I tried the following
if (strchr(args[i], '-'))
printf("--> %s \n", args[i]);
But I am getting a seg fault.
String is an array of characters. You realize that args is a char**, so basically it is an array of arrays. You can check if args entry contains '-', if it is true then you can do a simple string concat and add that value to args. Check the value of the first character of string.
if(args[i][0] == '-')
<Insert code for concatenation>