I am trying to setup App Fabric on a Windows Puppet Agent. I have the following configuration:
I am using the following manifest to insure that App Fabric is installed:
# This is the init.pp manifest file for the appfabric module
class appfabric {
# TODO: Get the setup path from Hiera
$setup_base_directory = 'D:/Setups/'
$setup_path = "${setup_base_directory}WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe"
$hotfix_path = "${setup_base_directory}AppFabric1.1-KB2932678-x64-ENU.exe"
# Pull down the setup of AppFabric
file {$setup_path:
ensure => file,
source_permissions => ignore,
source => 'puppet:///modules/appfabric/WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe',
# Pull down the setup of hotfix update 5
file {$hotfix_path:
ensure => file,
source_permissions => ignore,
source => 'puppet:///modules/appfabric/AppFabric1.1-KB2932678-x64-ENU.exe',
# Install AppFabric 1.1
package {'AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server':
ensure => present,
source => $setup_path,
install_options => ['/i','/SkipUpdates'],
# Install Hotfix KB2932678
package {'AppFabric 1.1 HotFix install':
ensure => present,
source => $hotfix_path,
install_options => ['/q','/norestart'],
# Start the remote registry service
service {'Remote Registry Service':
ensure => running,
name => 'RemoteRegistry',
enable => true,
# Start the app fabric service
service {'App Fabric Service':
ensure => running,
name => 'AppFabricCachingService',
enable => true,
I am facing the following issues:
I am not able to change the log on user for the AppFabricCachingService
to NT Authority\System
(Local System account) or any other specific user.
When I run the command puppet agent --test
on the Windows Puppet Agent then puppet tries to install App Fabric everytime. I am trying to write manifest with which I can make sure that in case App Fabric is already installed then puppet should not attempt to re-install.
I am new to the Puppet Configuration Management and any help would be great.
Thanks in advance.
For your second issue, make sure the name of the package (in your case, you are specifying "AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server") matches the name that appears in Windows Add\Remove programs menu. Otherwise Puppet will reinstall every time.
You might want to take a look at Package on Windows documentation page.
According to that page:
The easiest way to determine a package’s DisplayName is to:
Install the package on an example system.
Run puppet resource package to see a list of installed packages.
Locate the package you just installed, and copy the name that puppet resource reported for it.
If the software you are installing does not show up in the programs list, my recommendation would be to not use package
. Instead, use exec
to install it and add a creates
clause to run the installer only if a file in a specific location belonging to the software is not found, or unless
to perform a free-form check (registry, attempt to execute the software and check the version, etc.)