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Set Rules in Seeds.rb in Rails

all. I'm currently adding to my seeds.rb file in Rails using the faker gem. I'm wondering: how do you get the fake data to follow "the rules" I want?

I'm building a basketball statistics application. I want stat in seeds to create 300 sets of statistics where all the criteria I have set in the stat model are true. Right now, only 7-9 of the 300 sets of data end up being created. Is there a way to get seeds to ignore the models that don't work and make 300 that do?

For instance, I want field goal attempts (fga in my db) to be greater or equal to field goals made (fg). (I have this "rule" set up in my model.) When I do this in my seeds file:

# seeds.rb snippet     
300.times do    
 stat = Stat.create(
        fg: Faker::Number.between(0, 15),
        fga: Faker::Number.between(0, 20)
        # more stats below

how do I make sure that fga is >= fg every time?

Do I have to say specifically in seeds that fg can't be greater than fga? Or do I set a method in my stat.rb model file and Faker will follow it? (I have a few other rules on my model, otherwise I would just set the fake numbers differently.)



  • until Stat.count >= 300 do
        fg: Faker::Number.between(0, 15),
        fga: Faker::Number.between(0, 20)
        # more stats below