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JNI local reference table overflow, view complete contents of reference table

I am experiencing a JNI ERROR (app bug) local reference table overflow (max=512) after a couple of minutes of running my android app built with rhomobile.

The output last 10 entries of that table are all Json rpc strings:

java.lang.String "{"jsonrpc": "2.0... (43 chars)

or sometimes 47 chars.

I have no clue were this error is coming from, so a good start would be to see the whole string objects (so the ... part).

Can this be achieved and if yes, how?


before the overflow I am getting the following message at intervals

art Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring

How can I find out which local handle was not removed?


  • Turns out that the error occured from rhomobiles API for querying the battery status, enabling barcode scanning and capturing key events.

    I solved the problems on my Android 4.0.4 device by upgrading to rhodes 5.2.2. However, the upgrade did not help on my other device running Android 5. As an answer to my post in the motorola rhodes discussions, I was told that they are working on the problem for the 5.3 rhodes release, so I hope it will be fixed in the future.