I am new to using Solr , and I have made a new core and copied the default schema.xml
to the conf/
folder. The changes I have made is very trivial .
<field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false" required="true" multiValued="false" />
As you can see, I set the id
field to stored=false. As per my understanding, the field id
should not be displayed now when I do a query search. But that is not happening. I have tried restarting solr instance, and did the query to index the file again.
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/TwitterCore/update/json?commit=true'
--data-binary @$(echo TwitterData_Core_Conf/TwitterText_en_demo.json)
-H 'Content-type:application
As per Solr Wiki , this should have re-indexed my file. However when I run my query again, I still see the Id
An example of the document returned (this is not the complete JSON node , I just copied some parts ) :
"text": [
"RT @FollowTrainTV: Moonseternity just joined #FollowTrainTV - Watch them stream on http://t.co/oMcOGA51kT"
"lang": [
"id": "0a8edfea-68f7-4b05-b370-27b5aba640b7", // I dont want to see this
"_version_": 1512067627994841000
Maybe someone can give me detailed steps on re-indexing.
When you change the schema.xml file and restart the solr-server, the changes only apply for new documents. This means you have to clear the index and re-index all documents (Except at query tokenizer, these changes are active immediately after server restart, but this is not the case here). After re-indexing, the id
field should not be visible any more.
Another remark: You don't have to test your queries with curl. When you connect to http://localhost:8983/solr
with your web-browser you should find an admin interface there. There you can select a core and test your queries.