script AppDelegate
property theWindow : missing value
property displayLabel : missing value
on applicationWillFinishLaunching:aNotification
display dialog "Are you ready?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button "Yes"
end applicationWillFinishLaunching:
if result = {button returned:"No"} then
display alert "That's a shame."
tell application "This Application"
end tell
else if result = {button returned:"Yes"} then
set testVariable to "this is a test"
end if
end script
So, this is an example of an app I'm working on in AppleScriptObjC. I've taken a lot out and replaced things with different strings, but this is the basic layout.
How can I get the value of 'testVariable' into the 'displayLabel' property, which is linked to a label in the interface builder? The label is empty initially, but I want the value of 'testVariable' to populate it once the script has been run.
The syntax is pretty similar to the ObjC syntax
displayLabel.stringValue = testVariable;
set displayLabel's stringValue to testVariable