I am pretty new to scala and akka. I wonder to ask terminates all other actors once one of the actor finishes its work.
The basic structure of the code is as below. There is a Master who takes in charge of 5 workers, which are generated by a RoundRobinPool. Every worker is doing some work and will send the result back to the Master. What I need to realize is to let the Master to terminate all other workers once one of them finishes its work and send it back to the Master. The master then will send some relative value to the main function and then the whole program terminates.
Any idea how to implement this?
object X{
sealed trait Message
case class Result() extends Message
case class Work() extends Message
case class Result() extends Message
case class Totalresult() extends Message
class Worker extends Actor{
def receive={
case Work =>
sender ! Result}
}//End of class Worker
class Master(nrOfWorkers: Int) extends Actor{
val workerRouter =context.actorOf(RoundRobinPool(nrOfWorkers).props(Props[Worker])))
def receive={
case Calculate => calculateSender=sender
case Result => calculateSender ! Totoalresult()
}//End of class Master
def main(args: String) {
val system =ActorSystem("mysystem")
val master=system.actorOf(Props(new Master(5),name="master")
val future=master ? Calculate
One of the major supervisionary aspects of Akka is that a given actor is considered responsible for its children. In this case, that means that the death of the "Master" actor will automatically result in termination of all its children, so all you really need to do is have the "Master" actor terminate itself. This can be done in a number of ways, such as through a Kill
or or PoisonPill
message to itself - eg, adding the line: self ! PoisonPill
straight after sending the TotalResult
message back to calculateSender
Note that in the particular scenario you have described in your code, you set up to receive a future of a result in your main, but don't include any processing (eg. an onComplete
call, or using Await
) of that result. You could, in such processing, include a call to system.shutdown()
rather than having the "Master" terminate itself, which would then terminate all the actors as part of the shutdown process - just be sure to call that only after the future (and hence the actor effort behind it) has completed.
PS: see this question for more info about the differences between the different ways of terminating an actor.