I'm getting settled on mac os and some of my scripts are not working after linux. One script in particular is very interesting.
So i'm trying to convert ISO8601 date to unix epoch. OSX native way to do it seems to be
$ date -j -f "%FT%TZ" "2015-09-09T13:19:09Z"
Wed 9 Sep 2015 13:19:09 NZST
$ date -j -f "%FT%TZ" "2015-09-09T13:19:09Z" +%s
Looks fine except it's wrong answer. It's exactly 12 hours behind real answer and my timezone +12 so how cloud timezone influence unix epoch ?
And just verifying myself
$ docker run -it --rm trusty date -d"2015-09-09T13:19:09Z" +%s
same tools on linux giving correct answer ...
I just want to understand what is wrong here - am i missing something or is it just a broken thing ?
OSX Yosemite 10.10.4
Just some extra details - i'd suggest it's a difference between date
util, except it's not only date
Stass-MacBook:~ void$ python -c 'import dateutil.parser; print dateutil.parser.parse("2015-09-09T13:19:09Z").strftime("%s")'
Stass-MacBook:~ void$ docker run trusty python -c 'import dateutil.parser; print dateutil.parser.parse("2015-09-09T13:19:09Z").strftime("%s")'
The short answer is that the output you’re getting is the expected and correct output when you run the macOS/BSD date
utility with those arguments. Because it’s different from GNU date
To get similar output from GNU date
, you’d need to add the --utc
option, and run it like so:
echo $(date --utc -d '2015-09-09T13:19:09Z' +"%a %-d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") $(date +%Z)
If your timezone is set to NZST
, then the above will emit this:
Wed 9 Sep 2015 13:19:09 NZST
That invocation is what you can imagine BSD date
doing when run as date -j -f "%FT%TZ" "2015-09-09T13:19:09Z"
. For one thing, even though you’re saying, put this date/time into the default format (and not change it otherwise), it’s also tossing a timezone in there anyway.
Another way to think of what it’s doing is: by default BSD date
is operating as if you’ve given an equivalent of the --utc
option—that is, essentially the opposite of the GNU date
In other words, an important difference with BSD date -j -f
is that it really just means: take this string in this other date format and just put it into the default date format that we use here— without considering the local timezone at all.
same tools on linux giving correct answer ...
macOS/BSD date
and GNU/Linux date
aren’t the same tools. They just have the same name.
As far as getting date
in your scripts to behave the same across platforms, you can get GNU date
by using homebrew to install the coreutils
brew install coreutils
That will make the GNU version available on your OS X system under the name gdate
. So you could then replace date
in your scripts with $DATECMD
(or something), and then:
set DATECMD=gdate
set DATECMD=date
Of course you could instead just do alias date=gdate
but that’s not recommended, because you may sometimes want to run 3rd-party tools that do expect BSD date
in your environment.