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How to bind with struct in ReactiveCocoa with Objective-C

I will need to change the border color when meet certain condition like so, but I can't find a way to go through the compiler:

RAC(self.addrTextField.layer, borderColor) = [validateAddressSignal map:^ CGColorRef* (NSArray *array) {

    if (array.count) {
        return [UIColor greenColor].CGColor;
    return [UIColor clearColor].CGColor;


  • The most elegant solution to a similar question asked on Reactive Cocoa's GitHub Issue tracker is the following posted by Erik Price:

    @interface UIView (MyCategoryName)
    - (void)setMyBorderColor:(UIColor *)color;
    @implementation UIView
    - (void)setMyBorderColor:(UIColor *)color
        self.layer.borderColor = color.CGColor;
    // ...
    RAC(myTextField, myBorderColor) = mySignalOfUIColors;

    Basically, make it easy to bind the color by adding a category to UIView.