Today, I found a puzzle at
Fill a 4x4 grid with positive integers so that:
Every cell has a different integer
The product of the numbers in each row is 5040, and similarly for the columns
Source: This was an NPR weekly listener challenge, aired on 2005-10-09
Here's my first shot at solving the puzzle using clpfd:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
m5040_(Mss,Zs) :-
Mss = [[A1,A2,A3,A4],
Zs = [A1,A2,A3,A4,B1,B2,B3,B4,C1,C2,C3,C4,D1,D2,D3,D4],
Zs ins 1..sup, % domain: positive integers
5040 #= A1*A2*A3*A4, % rows
5040 #= B1*B2*B3*B4,
5040 #= C1*C2*C3*C4,
5040 #= D1*D2*D3*D4,
5040 #= A1*B1*C1*D1, % columns
5040 #= A2*B2*C2*D2,
5040 #= A3*B3*C3*D3,
5040 #= A4*B4*C4*D4,
all_different(Zs). % pairwise inequality
Sample query:
?- m5040_(Mss,Zs), time(labeling([],Zs)).
% 416,719,535 inferences, 55.470 CPU in 55.441 seconds (100% CPU, 7512588 Lips)
Mss = [[1,3,16,105],[10,14,9,4],[21,8,5,6],[24,15,7,2]], Zs = [1,3,16,105|...] ;
My actual question is twofold:
my inference counters (using your code) don't match yours... not sure why... the first solution i get (with your code)
?- puzzle_5040.
% 464,043,891 inferences, 158.437 CPU in 160.191 seconds (99% CPU, 2928894 Lips)
I thought that reducing the domain could speedup the result
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(ordsets)).
:- use_module(library(apply)).
m5040_(Mss,Zs) :-
flatten(Mss, Zs),
make_domain(Fs, Dom),
Zs ins Dom,
maplist(m5040, Mss),
transpose(Mss, Tss), maplist(m5040, Tss).
m5040([A,B,C,D]) :- 5040 #= A * B * C * D.
length_(L, Xs) :- length(Xs, L).
matrix(Mss) :-
length_(4, Mss),
maplist(length_(4), Mss).
factors(L) :-
L = [A,B,C,D],
5040 #= 1 * 2 * 3 * U,
L ins 1..U,
A #< B, B #< C, C #< D,
5040 #= A * B * C * D.
all_factors(AllFs) :-
findall(L, (factors(L),label(L)), Fs),
foldl(ord_union, Fs, [], AllFs).
but I was wrong, it was slower actually...
Since some time ago I tried CLP(FD) solving some Project Euler, and in some cases I found it was slower than raw arithmetic, I arranged a program that doesn't use CLP(FD), but reduces the domain to make it manageable:
puzzle_5040_no_clp :- time(puzzle_5040_no_clp(S)), writeln(S).
puzzle_5040_no_clp(S) :-
findall(F, factors(F), Fs),
factors_group(Fs, G),
once(solution(G, S)).
disjoint(A, B) :-
forall(member(X, A), \+ memberchk(X, B)).
eq5040([A,B,C,D]) :-
5040 =:= A * B * C * D.
factors([A, B, C, D]) :-
5040 #= 1 * 2 * 3 * U,
[A, B, C, D] ins 1..U,
A #< B, B #< C, C #< D,
5040 #= A * B * C * D,
label([A, B, C, D]).
all_factors(AllFs) :- % no more used
findall(L, factors(L), Fs),
foldl(ord_union, Fs, [], AllFs).
factors_group(Fs, [A, B, C, D]) :-
nth1(Ap, Fs, A),
nth1(Bp, Fs, B), Ap < Bp, disjoint(A, B),
nth1(Cp, Fs, C), Bp < Cp, disjoint(A, C), disjoint(B, C),
nth1(Dp, Fs, D), Cp < Dp, disjoint(A, D), disjoint(B, D), disjoint(C, D).
solution([A,B,C,D], S) :-
maplist(permutation, [B,C,D], [U,V,Z]),
transpose([A,U,V,Z], S),
maplist(eq5040, S).
solution(T0, [U,V,X,Y]) :-
peek5040(T0, U, T1),
peek5040(T1, V, T2),
peek5040(T2, X, T3),
peek5040(T3, Y, [[],[],[],[]]).
peek5040([A,B,C,D], [M,N,P,Q], [Ar,Br,Cr,Dr]) :-
select(N,B,Br), M*N < 5040,
select(P,C,Cr), M*N*P < 5040,
select(Q,D,Dr), M*N*P*Q =:= 5040.
% only test
validate(G) :- maplist(eq5040, G), transpose(G, T), maplist(eq5040, T).
with this approach, getting all solutions
?- time(aggregate(count,puzzle_5040_no_clp,N)).
% 6,067,939 inferences, 1.992 CPU in 1.994 seconds (100% CPU, 3046002 Lips)
% 111,942 inferences, 0.041 CPU in 0.052 seconds (79% CPU, 2758953 Lips)
% 62,564 inferences, 0.033 CPU in 0.047 seconds (70% CPU, 1894080 Lips)
% 37,323 inferences, 0.017 CPU in 0.027 seconds (65% CPU, 2164774 Lips)
% 2,281,755 inferences, 0.710 CPU in 0.720 seconds (99% CPU, 3211625 Lips)
% 48,329,065 inferences, 18.072 CPU in 27.535 seconds (66% CPU, 2674185 Lips)
N = 354.