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Rufus Scheduler not running when rails server runs as daemon

I have a a rails app that is using Rufus Scheduler. When I turn on the rails server with:

rails s --port=4000

Rufus scheduler runs its tasks. If I run the rails server with:

rails s --port=4000 --daemon

Rufus no longer does its tasks. I added a couple of log messages. Here is the schedule code:

class AtTaskScheduler

  def self.start
    scheduler =

    p "Starting Attask scheduler"

    scheduler.every('5m') do
      # test sending hip chat message
      issue =
      issue.post_to_hipchat("Starting sync with AtTask","SYNC")
      p "Launching Sync"



Hipchat never gets the message from the scheduler and the log never gets the statement "Launching Sync".

Any ideas on what may be causing this?


  • There is documentation of this issue in the rufus-scheduler docs:

    There is the handy rails server -d that starts a development Rails as a daemon. The annoying thing is that the scheduler as seen above is started in the main process that then gets forked and daemonized. The rufus-scheduler thread (and any other thread) gets lost, no scheduling happens.

    I avoid running -d in development mode and bother about daemonizing only for production deployment.

    These are two well crafted articles on process daemonization, please read them:

    If anyway, you need something like rails server -d, why not try bundle exec unicorn -D instead? In my (limited) experience, it worked out of the box (well, had to add gem 'unicorn' to Gemfile first).