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UMASK function in C

void main()

My expected output is, the file created with the name "a.txt" with the permission as "rwrwrw". But, the output is as follows.


$ ls -l a.txt 
--w--wx-wT 1 mohanraj mohanraj 0 Sep 11 19:04 a.txt

The umask is set to 0. So, I expected the file is created with the default file permission with 666. But, it gives some other output. So, How umask internally worked. And How do I get the expected result.


  • The file creation mode you specified is in decimal format. File creation modes are typically specified in octal, so you should prefix the number with a leading 0, which tells the compiler it is an octal constant.


    Decimal 666 = octal 1232, which matches up with the result you got.

    Please refer to your friendly man page (man 2 umask) or to this one.