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Issues installing interbase/firebird PHP extension on MAMP

I'm currently having issues trying to install interbase support (interbase PHP extension) on my Mac MAMP PRO installation (with PHP 5.5 selected).

Here are the steps I did and didn't enable it:

cd Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.26/include/php/ext/interbase


./configure --with-php-config=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.26/bin/php-config


make install

It tells me that the library has been successfully installed:

Libraries have been installed in:

And it also tells me that the MAMP extensions has been updated:

Installing shared extensions:    

After all these steps and restarting Apache, I can find the file inside this folder, but I don't see the extension enabled in phpinfo() or get_loaded_extensions().

Can someone give me some help with this issue ?

I'm having this LOG error message:

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library) '' in Unknown on line 0

Thanks a lot, it's really appreciated!

Edit: I did have put an in my php.ini MAMP template.


  • I just followed every steps within this post: and I recompiled php with the --with-php-config flag and it solved my issue.

    Also, this link was very helpful to me: