i have a problem with iron-router.
when I first load the page /admin/deps, then route will work out fine. Then I go to any other page by clicking on the link, and then back to /admin/deps/ in that time in the console I get "Route dispatch never rendered. Did you forget to call this.next() in an onBeforeAction?" and template is not rendering
BUT .. if I change anything in the code using hot-swap code, a meteor reloads the page and in this case, everything works as expected.
here are my controllers and routes:
class @AdminRouteController extends RouteController
onBeforeAction: ->
console.log "onBeforeAction: #{@url}"
if Meteor.loggingIn()
@render 'loading'
else if !Meteor.userId() or !Meteor.user().hasAccess 'admin'
@render 'notFound'
class @AdminPagebleRouteController extends AdminRouteController
pageable: true
perPage: 20
limit: (name = null) ->
Session.get(varName(@, name)) || @perPage
incLimit: (name = null, inc = null) ->
inc ||= @perPage
Session.set varName(@, name), (@limit(name) + inc)
resetLimit: (name = null) ->
Session.set varName(@, name), null
loaded: (name = null) ->
onRerun: ->
console.log "onRerun: #{@url}"
Router.route '/admin', name: 'admin'
class @AdminController extends AdminRouteController
template: 'adminHome'
action: ->
document.title = i18n 'admin.title'
Router.route '/admin/deps', name: 'deps'
class @DepsController extends AdminPagebleRouteController
template: 'deps'
perPage: 20
waitOn: ->
@subscribe 'adminDeps', @limit()
data: ->
deps: DepartmentsCollection.find()
loaded: ->
@limit() > DepartmentsCollection.find().count()
action: ->
document.title = i18n 'deps.title'
onRun: ->
console.log "onRun: #{@url}"
load: ->
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 400)
and here is console screen when route does not work properly
Here is code in javascript:
AdminRouteController = RouteController.extend({
onBeforeAction: function(){
console.log("onBeforeAction: " + this.url);
else if(!Meteor.userId() || !Meteor.user().hasAccess('admin'))
varName = function(inst, name){
name = name && ("_" + name || "");
return inst.constructor.name + name + "_limit";
AdminPagebleRouteController = AdminRouteController.extend({
pageable: true,
perPage: 20,
limit: function (name){
return Session.get(varName(this, name)) || this.perPage;
incLimit: function (name, inc){
inc = inc ? inc : this.perPage;
return Session.set(varName(this, name), (this.limit(name) + inc));
resetLimit: function (name){
return Session.set(varName(this, name), null);
loaded: function (name){
return true;
onRerun: function (){
console.log("onRerun: " + this.url);
Router.route('/admin', name: 'admin');
AdminController = AdminRouteController.extend({
template: 'adminHome',
action: function(){
document.title = i18n('admin.title');
Router.route('/admin/deps', name: 'deps');
DepsController = AdminPagebleRouteController.extend({
template: 'deps',
perPage: 20,
waitOn: function(){
this.subscribe('adminDeps', this.limit());
data: function(){
return { deps: DepartmentsCollection.find() };
loaded: function(){
return this.limit() > DepartmentsCollection.find().count();
action: function(){
document.title = i18n('deps.title');
onRun: function(){
console.log("onRun: " + this.url);
load: function(){
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 400);
Finally, I've found the answer, problem was in DepsController, in load()
function. It fired before onBeforeAction()
, and it is also need to call this.next ()