I have the following code:
concept_vectors <- foreach(j = 1:2, .combine=rBind, .packages="Matrix") %do% {
which results in the following error message:
Error in { : no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector
However, if I either remove 'sparseResult=TRUE' option, or do not use colMeans at all, the code works, even if without colMeans, sparseX is still an S4 object.
If I replace rBind with rbind2 directly, then I still see the following error:
error calling combine function:
<simpleError in .__H__.rbind(deparse.level = 0, x, y): no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector>
Do you know any workaround for this?
The problem was that colMeans returs sparseVector and not sparseMatrix. Therefore, rBind is not able to combine several sparseVector objects into sparseMatrix.
As mentioned at https://stackoverflow.com/a/8979207/1075993, the solution is to write a function, that will combine multiple sparseVector objects into sparseMatrix:
sameSizeVectorList2Matrix <- function(vectorList){
for (k in 1:length(vectorList)) {
sm_i <- c(sm_i,rep(k,length(vectorList[[k]]@i)))
sm_j <- c(sm_j,vectorList[[k]]@i)
sm_x <- c(sm_x,vectorList[[k]]@x)
return (sparseMatrix(i=sm_i,j=sm_j,x=sm_x,dims=c(length(vectorList),vectorList[[1]]@length)))