Is there a way to quickly find where a variable was initially defined/declared in Mathcad.
I'm working in a rather large Mathcad (150 pages get printed). I'll see an equation that is using variables declared in earlier sections however I can't use the Edit->Find since the variable uses subscripting. I resort to eye scanning for the variable declaration.
In Eclipse you can control click on a variable and it will take you to the variables declaration. Is there something similar in Mathcad?
Unfortunately, there isn't a 'search for definition' feature. I believe that there have been a number of requests for it over the years ...
Why can't you Edit/Find, though? Which kind of subscripting are you referring to: index or name? Which version of Mathcad are you using?
Search for an array name shouldn't be a problem, as the index won't form part of the name.
If you want a subscripted name and you are using Mathcad 15 (or lower), then simply type the name as you would enter it; eg if your variable is xsub then type x.sub in the find box.