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How to open text files and move them to a folder using VBA?

I need some help with a project in which I must open a list of text files, find a pattern in their contents and then move to other folders according to the pattern.

For example, in a list of text files, I must find which of them have the word "blue" written inside and them move only those to another folder named "Blue".

I was tring to do it using the command FileSystemObject, but I was kind of lost.

Thanks a lot in advance!!


  • Dim sDir As String
    Dim sPath As String
    Dim sPattern as String
    Dim sReadedData as String
    dim sDestiny as string
    dim sPathDestiny as string
    Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = VBA.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    sPath$ = "c:\YourFolder"
    sDir$ = Dir(sPath, vbDirectory)
    sPattern= "abcdefg"
    If sDir = "" Then
    MsgBox "Path " & sDir & " Not Found"
    End If
    sDir$ = Dir(sPath & "\*.txt")
    Do Until sDir = ""
         sPathDestiny=Replace(sDir, sPath, sDestiny)
         Open sDir$ For Input As #1
         do until EOF(1)   
             Input #1, sReadedData
         if InStr(sReadedData, sPattern)>0 then
             Call fso.CopyFile(sDir, sPathDestiny)
         end if

    This is the main idea. Play with it.