I need some help with a project in which I must open a list of text files, find a pattern in their contents and then move to other folders according to the pattern.
For example, in a list of text files, I must find which of them have the word "blue" written inside and them move only those to another folder named "Blue".
I was tring to do it using the command FileSystemObject, but I was kind of lost.
Thanks a lot in advance!!
Dim sDir As String
Dim sPath As String
Dim sPattern as String
Dim sReadedData as String
dim sDestiny as string
dim sPathDestiny as string
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = VBA.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sPath$ = "c:\YourFolder"
sDir$ = Dir(sPath, vbDirectory)
sPattern= "abcdefg"
If sDir = "" Then
MsgBox "Path " & sDir & " Not Found"
End If
sDir$ = Dir(sPath & "\*.txt")
Do Until sDir = ""
sPathDestiny=Replace(sDir, sPath, sDestiny)
Open sDir$ For Input As #1
do until EOF(1)
Input #1, sReadedData
if InStr(sReadedData, sPattern)>0 then
Call fso.CopyFile(sDir, sPathDestiny)
end if
This is the main idea. Play with it.