In my cloudant database I have objects like these. I'd like to query for objects that based on properties in a nested array.
In the example below, how to I query for all objects where there is a vote with userId=="user1"? The query should return both objects. When I search for userId "user2" it should return the first one as the second object only has vote from user1 and user4.
"_id": "1",
"votes": [
"userId": "user1",
"comment": ""
"userId": "user2",
"comment": ""
"userId": "user3",
"comment": ""
"_id": "2",
"votes": [
"userId": "user1",
"comment": ""
"userId": "user4",
"comment": ""
This view will return a list of all votes (where a vote is userId and _id) sorted by userId, to only get user1 use ?key="user1"
function(doc) {
for(i in doc.votes)
emit(doc.votes[i].userId, doc._id);