In a Python module (which is designed to be used in IPython Notebooks by less-technical users), I have several functions in the way of:
load_this(dt, this_filter)
load_that(dt, that_filter)
load_the_other(dt, the_other_filter)
The docstring for the dt param is the same for each function:
:param dt: date, date tuple, or datetime tuple.
date type args expand to start and end of day.
eg. date(2015, 9, 9) or
(date(2015, 9, 9), date(2015, 9, 10)) or
(datetime(2015, 9, 9, 12, 30), datetime(2015, 9, 9, 1))
However the docsring for x_filter params are different in each case.
I try to be as DRY as I can in my code, so the repeated docstring is grating a little. Is there any way to cross reference a docstring param in the code, but still have IPython display the full docstring.
You can add docs to functions via decorator
def mydoc(func):
func.__doc__ = 'Here I am.'
return func
def load_this(dt):
Variant with custom docs
def setdoc(docstring):
def decor(func):
func.__doc__ = docstring
return func
return decor
@setdoc('Here I am.')
def load_this(dt):
or just add docs after defining a function
docmessage = 'Here I am.'
def load_this(dt):
load_this.__doc__ = docmessage