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How to call method from another kodi/xbmc addon

I am trying to make an addon which calls another script addon. Now what I want to know is how can I access methods of the second addon from the first one. If yes please someone provide me with the syntax.


  • It's very easy....

    Add the addon id of the addon whoes function you ant ot call and add these

    For example: To call function from add-on #1 in add-on #2

    Add-on #1: Write extension point as xbmc.python.module and provide add-on's library path as below.

    <extension point="xbmc.python.module" library="resources" />

    Add-on #2: Write add-on #1 add-on id, in requires tag import as below mention.

    <import addon="add-on #1 id" version="2.7.0"/>

    Now got to the addon whoes function you want to call and add the .py files to resources directory in your addon.


    from resources import foo

    and it is done