I am trying to untarget a JDBCResource in weblogic using wlst script.
I tried the following:
set('Targets',jarray.array([], ObjectName))
but it fails with the following exception:
com.oracle.cie.domain.script.jython.WLSTException: com.oracle.cie.domain.script.jython.WLSTException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Param type [Ljavax.management.ObjectName; not supported
Why does it say ObjectName not supported?
Basically i was trying in an offline mode and from one of the oracle documents i found that we can use unassign function to untarget in an offline mode
cd('/JDBCSystemResources/'+ dsName)
targets = cmo.getTargets()
for target in targets:
unassign("JDBCSystemResource",dsName, "Target",target.getName())