Here's what I've tried:
-Find Vista's ODBC Data Source Manager* through search,
-Add a new File Data Source*, selecting Driver for Microsoft Access (*.mdb), and selecting my mdb file of interest,
-import pyodbc from python shell and try:
pyodbc.connect("DSN=<that Data Source I just created>")
I get the following error message (Portuguese**):
Error: ('IM002', '[IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Nome da fonte de dados n\xe3o encontrado e nenhum driver padr\xe3o especificado (0) (SQLDriverConnectW)')
Which translates as "Data source name not found and no standard driver specified".
What am I doing wrong? How to get it right? Also, I searched the web for documentation but found nothing worth much, could anyone recommend any documentation?
*Names may not be completely accurate because my Windows is in Portuguese.
**No, Portuguese doesn't have '3' and '\' as letters, these are misprinted special characters
DSN= is only used for a system or user DSN.
For a DSN File, you need to use FILEDSN=c:\myDsnFile.dsn is your best friend.