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Laravel Forge Quick Deploy throwing 500 error

I've set up all configurations at Laravel Forge, and created new site connected to Bitbucket Git repository.

When I click "Enable Quick Deploy" the button an error is thrown, whereas "Deploy Now" works well.{myserver}/sites/{mysite}/deploy 500 (Internal Server Error)

I found out this link which has similar issue to me :

Only one different thing is that mine happens to the 'Quick Deploy'.

Do you know any reason why it happens?


  • I've got this response about it from Taylor(Laravel Forge) directly.

    Taylor said:

    This means there is a permission error on your source control provider such as GitHub and we are unable to add a service hook.

    You can try refreshing your access token in your Forge account panel on that “Authentication” tab. Then I would verify on GitHub / Bitbucket that 3rd party integrations are not disabled - this is an unfortunate default on GitHub

    I followed his instruction, refreshed the access token in the Forge account panel, and allowed the Forge access on Bitbucket Integrations, then it works! (I'm using Bitbucket.)

    It means that the forge didn't have a permission which allows me to extend what Bitbucket does when the repository changes.