I have a factor with several levels, and I am trying to obtain the number of levels in which the factor levels contains a given string.
Given this factor:
exdata <- factor(c("Test1","Test2","Sample1","Sample2","Test1","Test2","Sample3"))
I want to find number of levels in exdata containing "Sample" or "Test."
My solution thus far has been to use nlevels
, droplevels
, and grep
# Correct/intended answer is 2
# Correct/intended answer is 3
Is there a more concise way to do this?
Use the levels()
# [1] "Sample1" "Sample2" "Sample3" "Test1" "Test2"
So you can do two individual calls ...
length(grep("Sample", levels(exdata), fixed = TRUE))
# [1] 3
length(grep("Test", levels(exdata), fixed = TRUE))
# [1] 2
Or in one go ...
f <- function(x) length(grep(x, levels(exdata), fixed = TRUE))
sapply(c("Sample", "Test"), f)
# Sample Test
# 3 2