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forfiles in certain subfolder in multiple folders

Is there away to only display files in a folder called "Export", when such a subfolder is in multiple locations?

This will display all .xlsx files below where I'm running the batch file from, however I don't want to display all, I only want to display things in a folder called "Export":

forfiles -p "%~dp0\" -s -m *.xlsx -d -365 -c "cmd /c ECHO @relpath"

I have attempted things like:

forfiles -p "%~dp0\*\Export" -s -m *.xlsx -d -365 -c "cmd /c ECHO @relpath"

However it doesn't recognise syntax like this. Says invalid argument/option, but they are valid until I add *\ to the path. This is an example of the structure I'm working with and what I what results to display:

%~dp0\1\Exports\Excel\                   - (Do display .xlsx files)
%~dp0\1\Do Not Delete\Excel\             - (Don't display .xlsx files)
%~dp0\2\Exports\Excel\                   - (Do display .xlsx files)
%~dp0\2\Do Not Delete\Excel\             - (Don't display .xlsx files)

The number folders would be a variable somehow, which is why the *\ is in my attempt.

I will then edit this to delete the files when I know it's picking up the right ones.


  • You could use two nested forfiles loops:

    forfiles /S /P "%~dp0\" /M "Export*" /C "cmd /C if @isdir==TRUE forfiles /P @path\Excel /M *.xlsx /D -365 /C 0x22cmd /C echo 00x7840path0x22"

    This command line walks through the given root directory (%~dp0) recursively and iterates through all items matching Export* (you might replace this pattern by Export or Exports, depending on your needs); the hierarchy depth is not checked in order to avoid the need of three nested loops. Anyway, if the iterated item is a directory, the sub-directory Excel is enumerated and searched for items matching *.xlsx.


    The above command line may display many error messages like ERROR: The specified directory does not exist. or ERROR: Files of type "*.xlsx" not found., depending on your data; to avoid them, redirect STDERR to the nul device:

    2> nul forfiles /S /P "%~dp0\" /M "Export*" /C "cmd /C if @isdir==TRUE forfiles /P @path\Excel /M *.xlsx /D -365 /C 0x22cmd /C echo 00x7840path0x22"

    The forfiles command returns an empty line to STDOUT, so the above command line will contain many of them; to avoid such too, redirect STDERR and STDOUT to the nul device and redirect only the wished data to the console con:

    1> nul 2>&1 forfiles /S /P "%~dp0\" /M "Export*" /C "cmd /C if @isdir==TRUE forfiles /P @path\Excel /M *.xlsx /D -365 /C 0x22cmd /C 1> con echo 00x7840path0x22"