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How do I test a Spring controller that returns a ZIP file?

I have a controller that returns a ZIP file. I would like to compare the ZIP file with the expected ZIP, but I'm not sure how to get the file from my result.

Here is what I have so far:

public class FileControllerTest extends ControllerTest {

  private FileController controller;

  private WebApplicationContext context;

  private MockMvc mvc;

  public void initTests() throws IOException {
    mvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context).build();

  public void shouldReturnZip() throws Exception {
    MvcResult result = mvc
        .perform(get(SERVER + FileController.REQUEST_MAPPING + "/zip").accept("application/zip"))



  • You can get a byte array from MvcResult .getResponse().getContentAsByteArray(). From there you can convert a ByteArrayInputStream into a File or ZipFile for comparison.