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GeoMoose - MapServer MS4W and Postgis

I loaded in Postgis a number of shape files with geographical, I installed and loaded MS4W GeoMoose; I have tried several times to change the file geomoose to render my mapfile, but the result was bad, geomoose always displays a pink screen. My questions are:

  1. How do I create a map file compatible with geomoose?
  2. How do I connect to PostGIS geomoose?
  3. What file GeoMoose must change in order to make it all work according to my needs?
  4. Is there a guide on GeoMoose actually valid?

Thanks to all those who will answer


  • In general you'll get more responses from the Geomoose email list than Stackoverflow.

    1. Have a look at the demo map files supplied with Geomoose
    2. have a look at the Mapserver doc for PostGIS
    3. Generally you need to edit the Geomoose mapbook.xml, and create a Mapserver .map file
    4. A good resource is the Geomoose doc, especially