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How do I solve Xamarin 'Failed to start application on the target simulator'?

This is obviously not a new failure. Though, I have tried the solutions I found on Xamarin Forum. I am new with development on Xamarin and running Visual Studio 2013 inside Parallels since VS is the only way for easy true cross-platform development with Xamarin (using trial license).

I got it working for Windows Phone (of course) and also for Android but I really tried many hours now to get it working for iOS as well but no. I do have paired my build host in my mac to my visual studio.

I get the following error when I try to run the iPhoneSimulator (iPhone 4s iOS 8.3) (debug/release)

Failed to start application on the target simulator

Server returned an error. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. Server error code: 401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to run this command

Solutions already tried;

  • Made sure build host and visual studio are using latest stable version of Xamarin - No
  • Paired, unpaired and paired again... multiple times - No
  • Emptied Xamarin cache in my Parallels instance and unpaired and paired again - No
  • Tried cleaning solution, changing info.plist to copy always, doing release build and then a debug build - No
  • Tried to remove the dot '.' in assembly name - No
  • Tried multiple restarts of both parallels as well as my Mac host - No
  • Made sure my App is building for iOS 8.3 - No

  • Firewalls turned off on both guest and host - No diff

These are all others solutions but none worked for me.


  • For anyone that run into the same issue I can tell that Xamarin did identify a bug that comes from the fact that I didn't have default regional settings, Ie. my regional settings are swedish.