I am using MuPDF library in my android project. I implemented it clearly and it's working fine. In my PDFs there is lots of link to navigate browser, but users can't figure out them. I want to add a icon over layouts where the items has got navigation link. How can I do that? Thanks for helping.
I found a way.
In PageView.java class, there is a method called **setPage(int page, PointF size)**
There is a block which is drawing content on highlight links.
if (!mIsBlank && mLinks != null && mHighlightLinks) {
for (LinkInfo link : mLinks) {
RectF rectfa = new RectF((link.rect.left - 2) * scale, (link.rect.top - 2) * scale, (link.rect.right + 2) * scale, (link.rect.bottom + 2) * scale);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rectfa, 3 * scale, 3 * scale, paint);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rectfa, 3 * scale, 3 * scale, paint);
int left = (int) ((link.rect.left - 2) * scale);
int right = (int) ((link.rect.right + 2) * scale);
int top = (int) ((link.rect.top - 2) * scale);
int bottom = (int) ((link.rect.bottom + 2) * scale);
Rect dstRectForRender = new Rect(right - bitmap.getWidth(), top, right, top + bitmap.getHeight());
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, null, dstRectForRender, null);// I draw my bitmap on here.