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How to implement GetHashCode() in a C# struct

I have a struct that overrides the Equals() method and the compiler complains about GetHashCode() not being overridden.

My struct:

  private struct Key

    public override int GetHashCode()
      return ?;

    public int FolderID;
    public MyEnum SubItemKind;
    public int SubItemID;

What is the right way to implement the GetHashCode() method?


    return FolderID ^ SubItemKind.GetHashCode() ^ SubItemID;

or b)

    return FolderID.GetHashCode() ^ SubItemKind.GetHashCode() ^ SubItemID.GetHashCode();


  • Always the latter. The former isn't sufficient because most bits are 0 (your numbers are most likely small), and those zeroes are in the most significant bits. You'd be wasting a lot of the hash code, thus getting a lot more collisions.

    Another common way of doing it is to multiply each item by a prime number and relying on overflows:

    return unchecked(FolderID.GetHashCode() * 23 * 23 
                     + SubItemKind.GetHashCode() * 23 
                     + SubItemID.GetHashCode());

    Edit: Updated to use unchecked for explicit overflow support as per stakx's comment.