I am trying to allow my images and css to be accessed by a CDN, I think the path us being hijacked by my router.
Router.route('/:permalink', function () {
this.render('item', {
// path: '/:permalink',
data: function(){
var permalinkVar = this.params.permalink;
return Items.findOne({permalink: permalinkVar});
Is there a way to make some paths like /images /css and /js exempt from this route?
Put anything that you want to be exposed publicly into the public folder. From the meteor docs (http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/structuringyourapp):
All files inside a top-level directory called public are served as-is to the client. When referencing these assets, do not include public/ in the URL, write the URL as if they were all in the top level. For example, reference public/bg.png as
<img src='/bg.png' />
. This is the best place for favicon.ico, robots.txt, and similar files.
So if you have an image at /public/images/image1.png, it can be accessed at yourdomain/images/image1.png.