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How to check does method systemFontOfSize(fontSize: weight:) exist in iOS

My application deployment target is iOS 7.0 I want to use method systemFontOfSize(fontSize: weight:) on devices with iOS 8+. iOS 7 doesn't support this method (with weight: parameter) and my application crashes. Specially for iOS 7 I want to set Helvetica Light font instead of SystemFont Light.

What is the best way to check it? Do I need to check iOS version or I can check the method? how?

I use swift and tried

if let font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(12, weight: UIFontWeightLight) 


respondsToSelector method. It didn't work for me.


  • respondsToSelector works as expected:

        let font: UIFont
        if UIFont.respondsToSelector("systemFontOfSize:weight:") {
            font = .systemFontOfSize(12, weight: UIFontWeightLight)
        else {
            font = UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue-Light", size: 12)!

    And I would recommend HelveticaNeue instead of Helvetica, since the system font is Neue one.