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Couchbaselite-Exception: Bad or missing JSON

I try to save properties in a Couchbase-document in Android. The properties hold a JSONArray with several JSONObjects.

When I do document.putproperties(myproperties) a couchbaseliteexception with state 400 and the message "bad or missing json" is thrown".

So the JSONArray looks like:

"some_prop" -> "[
    "content":"Some other content",

Can anyone tell me whats the problem with this JSON?

EDIT: the JSONArray with the corresponding key is saved in a hashmap like it is explained in:

EDIT 2: The Method where the update is executed and the JSONArray is filled:

private void updateDoc(ArrayList<MyObject> objects) {
    Document document = getDocument();

    // Update the document with more data
    Map<String, Object> updatedProperties = new HashMap<>();

    JSONArray objectArray = new JSONArray();

    //fill array with data
    for(MyObject element : objects) {
        JSONObject jsonObjects = element.toJSONObject();
        if(jsonObjects != null) {

    //set data to property map
    updatedProperties.put(MYOBJECT_PROP_IDENTIFIER, objectArray);

    try {
        // Save properties to the Couchbase local Couchbase Lite DB
    } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) {


  • Finally I found a solution to the problem: I don't use JSONObject or JSONArray anymore but save my data in ArrayList and put each element directly into the database. so i don't have an Array with all the elements which but a lot of single elements direktly in the document. To accesss them later I save also the number of elements in the DB. Each element has the index as a prefix so it can be identified later on. That's not quite a nice way but it works..